// RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -verify -pedantic -fsyntax-only // Variadic functions void vararg_f(int, ...); // expected-error {{invalid prototype, variadic arguments are not allowed in OpenCL}} void __vararg_f(int, ...); typedef void (*vararg_fptr_t)(int, ...); // expected-error {{invalid prototype, variadic arguments are not allowed in OpenCL}} int printf(__constant const char *st, ...); // expected-error {{invalid prototype, variadic arguments are not allowed in OpenCL}} //Function pointer void foo(void*); void bar() { // declaring a function pointer is an error void (*fptr)(int); // expected-error{{pointers to functions are not allowed}} // taking the address of a function is an error foo((void*)foo); // expected-error{{taking address of function is not allowed}} foo(&foo); // expected-error{{taking address of function is not allowed}} // initializing an array with the address of functions is an error void* vptrarr[2] = {foo, &foo}; // expected-error{{taking address of function is not allowed}} expected-error{{taking address of function is not allowed}} // just calling a function is correct foo(0); }