// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -triple thumbv6-apple-ios3.0 -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -D WARN_PARTIAL -Wpartial-availability -fsyntax-only -triple thumbv6-apple-ios3.0 -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c++ -fsyntax-only -triple thumbv6-apple-ios3.0 -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s // rdar://12324295 typedef signed char BOOL; @protocol P @property(nonatomic,assign) id ptarget __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=2.0,deprecated=3.0))); // expected-note {{property 'ptarget' is declared deprecated here}} expected-note {{'ptarget' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-note@+2 {{'partialPtarget' has been explicitly marked partial here}} #endif @property(nonatomic,assign) id partialPtarget __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=5.0))); @end @protocol P1

- (void)setPtarget:(id)arg; - (void)setPartialPtarget:(id)arg; @end @interface UITableViewCell @property(nonatomic,assign) id target __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=2.0,deprecated=3.0))); // expected-note {{property 'target' is declared deprecated here}} expected-note {{'setTarget:' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-note@+2 {{'setPartialTarget:' has been explicitly marked partial here}} #endif @property(nonatomic,assign) id partialTarget __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=5.0))); @end @interface PSTableCell : UITableViewCell - (void)setTarget:(id)target; - (void)setPartialTarget:(id)target; @end @interface UITableViewCell(UIDeprecated) @property(nonatomic,assign) id dep_target __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=2.0,deprecated=3.0))); // expected-note 2 {{'dep_target' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} \ // expected-note 4 {{property 'dep_target' is declared deprecated here}} \ // expected-note 2 {{'setDep_target:' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-note@+2 2 {{'partial_dep_target' has been explicitly marked partial here}} expected-note@+2 2 {{'setPartial_dep_target:' has been explicitly marked partial here}} #endif @property(nonatomic,assign) id partial_dep_target __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=5.0))); @end @implementation PSTableCell - (void)setTarget:(id)target {}; - (void)setPartialTarget:(id)target {}; - (void)setPtarget:(id)val {}; - (void) Meth { [self setTarget: (id)0]; // no-warning [self setDep_target: [self dep_target]]; // expected-warning {{'dep_target' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 3.0}} \ // expected-warning {{'setDep_target:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 3.0}} [self setPtarget: (id)0]; // no-warning [self setPartialTarget: (id)0]; // no-warning #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-warning@+2 {{'partial_dep_target' is only available on iOS 5.0 or newer}} expected-warning@+2 {{'setPartial_dep_target:' is only available on iOS 5.0 or newer}} expected-note@+2 {{enclose 'partial_dep_target' in an @available check to silence this warning}} expected-note@+2 {{enclose 'setPartial_dep_target:' in an @available check to silence this warning}} #endif [self setPartial_dep_target: [self partial_dep_target]]; [self setPartialPtarget: (id)0]; // no-warning } @end @implementation UITableViewCell @synthesize target; @synthesize partialTarget; @synthesize ptarget; @synthesize partialPtarget; - (void)setPtarget:(id)val {}; - (void)setPartialPtarget:(id)val {}; - (void)setTarget:(id)target {}; - (void)setPartialTarget:(id)target {}; - (void) Meth { [self setTarget: (id)0]; // expected-warning {{'setTarget:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 3.0}} [self setDep_target: [self dep_target]]; // expected-warning {{'dep_target' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 3.0}} \ // expected-warning {{'setDep_target:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 3.0}} [self setPtarget: (id)0]; // no-warning #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-warning@+2 {{'setPartialTarget:' is only available on iOS 5.0 or newer}} expected-note@+2 {{enclose 'setPartialTarget:' in an @available check to silence this warning}} #endif [self setPartialTarget: (id)0]; #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-warning@+2 {{'partial_dep_target' is only available on iOS 5.0 or newer}} expected-warning@+2 {{'setPartial_dep_target:' is only available on iOS 5.0 or newer}} expected-note@+2 {{enclose 'partial_dep_target' in an @available check to silence this warning}} expected-note@+2 {{enclose 'setPartial_dep_target:' in an @available check to silence this warning}} #endif [self setPartial_dep_target: [self partial_dep_target]]; [self setPartialPtarget: (id)0]; // no-warning } @end @interface CustomAccessorNames @property(getter=isEnabled,assign) BOOL enabled __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=2.0,deprecated=3.0))); // expected-note {{'isEnabled' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} expected-note {{property 'enabled' is declared deprecated here}} @property(setter=setNewDelegate:,assign) id delegate __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=2.0,deprecated=3.0))); // expected-note {{'setNewDelegate:' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} expected-note {{property 'delegate' is declared deprecated here}} #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-note@+2 {{'partialIsEnabled' has been explicitly marked partial here}} #endif @property(getter=partialIsEnabled,assign) BOOL partialEnabled __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=5.0))); #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-note@+2 {{'partialSetNewDelegate:' has been explicitly marked partial here}} #endif @property(setter=partialSetNewDelegate:,assign) id partialDelegate __attribute__((availability(ios,introduced=5.0))); @end void testCustomAccessorNames(CustomAccessorNames *obj) { if ([obj isEnabled]) // expected-warning {{'isEnabled' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 3.0}} [obj setNewDelegate:0]; // expected-warning {{'setNewDelegate:' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 3.0}} #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-warning@+2 {{'partialIsEnabled' is only available on iOS 5.0 or newer}} expected-warning@+3 {{'partialSetNewDelegate:' is only available on iOS 5.0 or newer}} expected-note@+2 {{enclose 'partialIsEnabled' in an @available check to silence this warning}} expected-note@+3 {{enclose 'partialSetNewDelegate:' in an @available check to silence this warning}} #endif if ([obj partialIsEnabled]) [obj partialSetNewDelegate:0]; } @interface ProtocolInCategory @end @interface ProtocolInCategory (TheCategory) - (id)ptarget; - (id)partialPtarget; @end id useDeprecatedProperty(ProtocolInCategory *obj, id

obj2, int flag) { if (flag) return [obj ptarget]; // no-warning return [obj2 ptarget]; // expected-warning {{'ptarget' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 3.0}} if (flag) return [obj partialPtarget]; // no-warning #if defined(WARN_PARTIAL) // expected-warning@+2 {{'partialPtarget' is only available on iOS 5.0 or newer}} expected-note@+2 {{enclose 'partialPtarget' in an @available check to silence this warning}} #endif return [obj2 partialPtarget]; } // rdar://15951801 @interface Foo { int _x; } @property(nonatomic,readonly) int x; - (void)setX:(int)x __attribute__ ((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{'setX:' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} - (int)x __attribute__ ((unavailable)); // expected-note {{'x' has been explicitly marked unavailable here}} @end @implementation Foo - (void)setX:(int)x { _x = x; } - (int)x { return _x; } @end void testUserAccessorAttributes(Foo *foo) { [foo setX:5678]; // expected-warning {{'setX:' is deprecated}} foo.x = foo.x; // expected-error {{property access is using 'x' method which is unavailable}} \ // expected-warning {{property access is using 'setX:' method which is deprecated}} }