// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10.4 -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -x objective-c++ -fsyntax-only -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10.4 -verify -Wno-objc-root-class %s @interface A { int X __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{'X' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} } + (void)F __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{'F' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} - (void)f __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 5 {{'f' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} @end @implementation A + (void)F __attribute__((deprecated)) { [self F]; // no warning, since the caller is also deprecated. } - (void)g { X++; // expected-warning{{'X' is deprecated}} self->X++; // expected-warning{{'X' is deprecated}} [self f]; // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}} } - (void)f { [self f]; // no warning, the caller is deprecated in its interface. } @end @interface B: A @end @implementation B + (void)G { [super F]; // expected-warning{{'F' is deprecated}} } - (void)g { [super f]; // // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}} } @end @protocol P - (void)p __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note {{'p' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} @end void t1(A *a) { [A F]; // expected-warning{{'F' is deprecated}} [a f]; // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}} } void t2(id a) { [a f]; // expected-warning {{'f' is deprecated}} } void t3(A

* a) { [a f]; // expected-warning{{'f' is deprecated}} [a p]; // expected-warning{{'p' is deprecated}} } void t4(Class c) { [c F]; } @interface Bar @property (assign, setter = MySetter:) int FooBar __attribute__ ((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{'FooBar' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} - (void) MySetter : (int) value; @end int t5() { Bar *f; f.FooBar = 1; // expected-warning {{'FooBar' is deprecated}} return f.FooBar; // expected-warning {{'FooBar' is deprecated}} } __attribute ((deprecated)) @interface DEPRECATED { // expected-note 2 {{'DEPRECATED' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} @public int ivar; DEPRECATED *ivar2; // no warning. } - (int) instancemethod; - (DEPRECATED *) meth; // no warning. @property int prop; @end @interface DEPRECATED (Category) // no warning. - (DEPRECATED *) meth2; // no warning. @end @interface DEPRECATED (Category2) // no warning. @end @implementation DEPRECATED (Category2) // expected-warning {{'DEPRECATED' is deprecated}} @end @interface NS : DEPRECATED // expected-warning {{'DEPRECATED' is deprecated}} @end @interface Test2 @property int test2 __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{property 'test2' is declared deprecated here}} expected-note 3 {{'test2' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} \ // expected-note {{'setTest2:' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} @end void test(Test2 *foo) { int x; x = foo.test2; // expected-warning {{'test2' is deprecated}} x = [foo test2]; // expected-warning {{'test2' is deprecated}} foo.test2 = x; // expected-warning {{'test2' is deprecated}} [foo setTest2: x]; // expected-warning {{'setTest2:' is deprecated}} } __attribute__((deprecated)) @interface A(Blah) // expected-error{{attributes may not be specified on a category}} @end typedef struct { int x; } footype __attribute((deprecated)); // expected-note 2 {{'footype' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} @interface foo { footype a; // expected-warning {{'footype' is deprecated}} footype b __attribute((deprecated)); } @property footype c; // expected-warning {{'footype' is deprecated}} @property footype d __attribute((deprecated)); @end // rdar://13569424 @interface NewI +(void)cmeth; @end typedef NewI DeprI __attribute__((deprecated("blah"))); // expected-note 4 {{'DeprI' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} @interface SI : DeprI // expected-warning {{'DeprI' is deprecated: blah}} -(DeprI*)meth; // expected-warning {{'DeprI' is deprecated: blah}} @end @implementation SI -(DeprI*)meth { // expected-warning {{'DeprI' is deprecated: blah}} [DeprI cmeth]; // expected-warning {{'DeprI' is deprecated: blah}} return 0; } @end // and : // - Using deprecated class name inside class should not warn about deprecation. // - Implementations of deprecated classes should not result in deprecation warnings. __attribute__((deprecated)) @interface DeprecatedClassA @end __attribute__((deprecated)) @interface DeprecatedClassB // The self-reference return value should not be // flagged as the use of a deprecated declaration. + (DeprecatedClassB *)sharedInstance; // no-warning // Since this class is deprecated, returning a reference // to another deprecated class is fine as they may // have been deprecated together. From a user's // perspective they are all deprecated. + (DeprecatedClassA *)somethingElse; // no-warning @end @implementation DeprecatedClassB + (DeprecatedClassB *)sharedInstance { // This self-reference should not // be flagged as a use of a deprecated // declaration. static DeprecatedClassB *x; // no-warning return x; } + (DeprecatedClassA *)somethingElse { // Since this class is deprecated, referencing // another deprecated class is also OK. static DeprecatedClassA *x; // no-warning return x; } @end // rdar://16068470 @interface TestBase @property (nonatomic, strong) id object __attribute__((deprecated("deprecated"))); // expected-note {{'object' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} \ expected-note {{property 'object' is declared deprecated here}} \ expected-note {{'setObject:' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} \ expected-note {{property declared here}} @end @interface TestDerived : TestBase @property (nonatomic, strong) id object; //expected-warning {{auto property synthesis will not synthesize property 'object'; it will be implemented by its superclass}} @end @interface TestUse @end @implementation TestBase @end @implementation TestDerived @end // expected-note {{detected while default synthesizing properties in class implementation}} @implementation TestUse - (void) use { TestBase *base = (id)0; TestDerived *derived = (id)0; id object = (id)0; base.object = object; // expected-warning {{'object' is deprecated: deprecated}} derived.object = object; [base setObject:object]; // expected-warning {{'setObject:' is deprecated: deprecated}} [derived setObject:object]; } @end // rdar://18848183 @interface NSString - (const char *)cString __attribute__((availability(macosx,introduced=10.0 ,deprecated=10.4,message="" ))); // expected-note {{'cString' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} @end id PID = 0; const char * func() { return [PID cString]; // expected-warning {{'cString' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 10.4}} } // rdar://18960378 @interface NSObject + (instancetype)alloc; - (instancetype)init; @end @interface NSLocale - (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable)); @end @interface PLBatteryProperties : NSObject + (id)properties; @end @implementation PLBatteryProperties + (id)properties { return [[self alloc] init]; } @end @implementation UndeclaredImpl // expected-warning{{cannot find interface declaration}} - (void)partiallyUnavailableMethod {} @end @interface InterfaceWithSameMethodAsUndeclaredImpl - (void)partiallyUnavailableMethod __attribute__((unavailable)); @end void f(id a) { [a partiallyUnavailableMethod]; // no warning, `a` could be an UndeclaredImpl. } @interface InterfaceWithImplementation - (void)anotherPartiallyUnavailableMethod; @end @implementation InterfaceWithImplementation - (void)anotherPartiallyUnavailableMethod {} @end @interface InterfaceWithSameMethodAsInterfaceWithImplementation - (void)anotherPartiallyUnavailableMethod __attribute__((unavailable)); @end void g(id a) { [a anotherPartiallyUnavailableMethod]; // no warning, `a` could be an InterfaceWithImplementation. } typedef struct {} S1 __attribute__((unavailable)); // expected-note2{{marked unavailable here}} typedef struct {} S2 __attribute__((deprecated)); // expected-note2{{marked deprecated here}} @interface ExtensionForMissingInterface() // expected-error{{cannot find interface declaration}} - (void)method1:(S1) x; // expected-error{{is unavailable}} - (void)method2:(S2) x; // expected-warning{{is deprecated}} @end @interface CategoryForMissingInterface(Cat) // expected-error{{cannot find interface declaration}} - (void)method1:(S1) x; // expected-error{{is unavailable}} - (void)method2:(S2) x; // expected-warning{{is deprecated}} @end