// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++14 -verify -fms-extensions %s typedef struct _GUID { unsigned long Data1; unsigned short Data2; unsigned short Data3; unsigned char Data4[8]; } GUID; namespace { // cl.exe supports [] attributes on decls like so: [uuid( "000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049" )] struct struct_with_uuid; // Optionally, the uuid can be surrounded by one set of braces. [uuid( "{000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049}" )] struct struct_with_uuid_brace; // uuids must be ascii string literals. // expected-error@+1 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid(u8"000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049")] struct struct_with_uuid_u8; // expected-error@+1 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid(L"000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049")] struct struct_with_uuid_L; // cl.exe doesn't allow raw string literals in []-style attributes, but does // allow it for __declspec(uuid()) (u8 literals etc are not allowed there // either). Since raw string literals not being allowed seems like an // implementation artifact in cl and not allowing them makes the parse code // a bit unnatural, do allow this. [uuid(R"(000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049)")] struct struct_with_uuid_raw; // Likewise, cl supports UCNs in declspec uuid, but not in []-style uuid. // clang-cl allows them in both. [uuid("000000A0-0000\u002D0000-C000-000000000049")] struct struct_with_uuid_ucn; // cl doesn't allow string concatenation in []-style attributes, for no good // reason. clang-cl allows them. [uuid("000000A0-00" "00-0000-C000-000000000049")] struct struct_with_uuid_split; // expected-error@+1 {{expected ')'}} expected-note@+1 {{to match this '('}} [uuid("{000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049}", "1")] struct S {}; // expected-error@+1 {{expected '('}} [uuid{"000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049"}] struct T {}; // expected-error@+1 {{expected ')'}} expected-note@+1 {{to match this '('}} [uuid("000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049"}] struct U {}; // In addition to uuids in string literals, cl also allows uuids that are not // in a string literal, only delimited by (). The contents of () are almost // treated like a literal (spaces there aren't ignored), but macro substitution, // \ newline escapes, and so on are performed. [ uuid (000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049) ] struct struct_with_uuid2; [uuid({000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049})] struct struct_with_uuid2_brace; // The non-quoted form doesn't allow any whitespace inside the parens: // expected-error@+1 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid( 000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049)] struct struct_with_uuid2; // expected-error@+1 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid(000000A0-0000 -0000-C000-000000000049)] struct struct_with_uuid2; // expected-error@+2 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid(000000A0-0000 -0000-C000-000000000049)] struct struct_with_uuid2; // expected-error@+1 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid(000000A0-0000/**/-0000-C000-000000000049)] struct struct_with_uuid2; // expected-error@+1 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid(000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049 )] struct struct_with_uuid2; // expected-error@+2 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid(000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049 ) ] struct struct_with_uuid2; // expected-error@+1 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid({000000A0-0000-""0000-C000-000000000049})] struct struct_with_uuid2; // Line continuations and macro substitution are fine though: [uuid(000000A0-0000-0000-\ C000-000000000049)] struct struct_with_uuid2_cont; #define UUID 000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049 #define UUID_PART 000000A0-0000 [uuid(UUID)] struct struct_with_uuid2_macro; [uuid(UUID_PART-0000-C000-000000000049)] struct struct_with_uuid2_macro_part; // Both cl and clang-cl accept trigraphs here (with /Zc:trigraphs, off by // default) // expected-warning@+1 2{{trigraph converted}} [uuid(??<000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049??>)] struct struct_with_uuid2_trigraph; // UCNs cannot be used in this form because they're prohibited by C99. // expected-error@+1 {{character '-' cannot be specified by a universal character name}} [uuid(000000A0-0000\u002D0000-C000-000000000049)] struct struct_with_uuid2_ucn; // Invalid digits. // expected-error@+1 {{uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID}} [uuid(0Z0000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049)] struct struct_with_uuid2; struct OuterClass { // [] uuids and inner classes are weird in cl.exe: It warns that uuid on // nested types has undefined behavior, and errors out __uuidof() claiming // that the inner type has no assigned uuid. Things work fine if __declspec() // is used instead. clang-cl handles this fine. [uuid(10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)] class InnerClass1; [uuid(10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)] class InnerClass2 {} ic; [uuid(10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)] static class InnerClass3 {} sic; // Putting `static` in front of [...] causes parse errors in both cl and clang // This is the only syntax to declare an inner class with []-style attributes // that works in cl: Declare the inner class without an attribute, and then // have the []-style attribute on the definition. class InnerClass; }; [uuid(10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)] class OuterClass::InnerClass {}; void use_it() { (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid_brace); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid_raw); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid_ucn); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid_split); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid2); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid2_brace); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid2_cont); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid2_macro); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid2_macro_part); (void)__uuidof(struct_with_uuid2_trigraph); (void)__uuidof(OuterClass::InnerClass); (void)__uuidof(OuterClass::InnerClass1); (void)__uuidof(OuterClass::InnerClass2); (void)__uuidof(OuterClass::InnerClass3); (void)__uuidof(OuterClass().ic); (void)__uuidof(OuterClass::sic); } // expected-warning@+1 {{'uuid' attribute only applies to classes}} [uuid("000000A0-0000-0000-C000-000000000049")] void f(); } // clang supports these on toplevel decls, but not on local decls since this // syntax is ambiguous with lambdas and Objective-C message send expressions. // This file documents clang's shortcomings and lists a few constructs that // one has to keep in mind when trying to fix this. System headers only seem // to use these attributes on toplevel decls, so supporting this is not very // important. void local_class() { // FIXME: MSVC accepts, but we reject due to ambiguity. // expected-error@+1 {{expected body of lambda expression}} [uuid("a5a7bd07-3b14-49bc-9399-de066d4d72cd")] struct Local { int x; }; } void useit(int); int lambda() { int uuid = 42; [uuid]() { useit(uuid); }(); // C++14 lambda init captures: [uuid(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)] { return uuid; }(); [uuid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")](int n) { return uuid[n]; }(3); } @interface NSObject - (void)retain; @end int message_send(id uuid) { [uuid retain]; } NSObject* uuid(const char*); int message_send2() { [uuid("a5a7bd07-3b14-49bc-9399-de066d4d72cd") retain]; }