// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-checker=core,unix.Malloc,debug.ExprInspection -verify %s typedef unsigned int NSUInteger; typedef __typeof__(sizeof(int)) size_t; void *malloc(size_t); void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); void free(void *); void clang_analyzer_eval(int); @interface A - (NSUInteger)foo; @end NSUInteger f8(A* x){ const NSUInteger n = [x foo]; int* bogus; if (n > 0) { // tests const cast transfer function logic NSUInteger i; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) bogus = 0; if (bogus) // no-warning return n+1; } return n; } // PR10163 -- don't warn for default-initialized float arrays. // (An additional test is in uninit-vals-ps-region.m) void test_PR10163(float); void PR10163 (void) { float x[2] = {0}; test_PR10163(x[1]); // no-warning } typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } Point; typedef struct { Point origin; int size; } Circle; Point makePoint(float x, float y) { Point result; result.x = x; result.y = y; result.z = 0.0; return result; } void PR14765_test() { Circle *testObj = calloc(sizeof(Circle), 1); clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} testObj->origin = makePoint(0.0, 0.0); if (testObj->size > 0) { ; } // warning occurs here // FIXME: Assigning to 'testObj->origin' kills the default binding for the // whole region, meaning that we've forgotten that testObj->size should also // default to 0. Tracked by . // This should be TRUE. clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == 0); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}} free(testObj); } void PR14765_argument(Circle *testObj) { int oldSize = testObj->size; clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == oldSize); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} testObj->origin = makePoint(0.0, 0.0); clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == oldSize); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} } typedef struct { int x; int y; int z; } IntPoint; typedef struct { IntPoint origin; int size; } IntCircle; IntPoint makeIntPoint(int x, int y) { IntPoint result; result.x = x; result.y = y; result.z = 0; return result; } void PR14765_test_int() { IntCircle *testObj = calloc(sizeof(IntCircle), 1); clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.x == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.y == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.z == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} testObj->origin = makeIntPoint(1, 2); if (testObj->size > 0) { ; } // warning occurs here // FIXME: Assigning to 'testObj->origin' kills the default binding for the // whole region, meaning that we've forgotten that testObj->size should also // default to 0. Tracked by . // This should be TRUE. clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == 0); // expected-warning{{UNKNOWN}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.x == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.y == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.z == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} free(testObj); } void PR14765_argument_int(IntCircle *testObj) { int oldSize = testObj->size; clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == oldSize); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} testObj->origin = makeIntPoint(1, 2); clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == oldSize); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.x == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.y == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.z == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} } void rdar13292559(Circle input) { extern void useCircle(Circle); Circle obj = input; useCircle(obj); // no-warning // This generated an "uninitialized 'size' field" warning for a (short) while. obj.origin = makePoint(0.0, 0.0); useCircle(obj); // no-warning } typedef struct { int x; int y; } IntPoint2D; typedef struct { IntPoint2D origin; int size; } IntCircle2D; IntPoint2D makeIntPoint2D(int x, int y) { IntPoint2D result; result.x = x; result.y = y; return result; } void testSmallStructsCopiedPerField() { IntPoint2D a; a.x = 0; IntPoint2D b = a; extern void useInt(int); useInt(b.x); // no-warning useInt(b.y); // expected-warning{{uninitialized}} } void testLargeStructsNotCopiedPerField() { IntPoint a; a.x = 0; IntPoint b = a; extern void useInt(int); useInt(b.x); // no-warning useInt(b.y); // no-warning } void testSmallStructInLargerStruct() { IntCircle2D *testObj = calloc(sizeof(IntCircle2D), 1); clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.x == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.y == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} testObj->origin = makeIntPoint2D(1, 2); if (testObj->size > 0) { ; } // warning occurs here clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == 0); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.x == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.y == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} free(testObj); } void testCopySmallStructIntoArgument(IntCircle2D *testObj) { int oldSize = testObj->size; clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == oldSize); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} testObj->origin = makeIntPoint2D(1, 2); clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->size == oldSize); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.x == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(testObj->origin.y == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} } void testSmallStructBitfields() { struct { int x : 4; int y : 4; } a, b; a.x = 1; a.y = 2; b = a; clang_analyzer_eval(b.x == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(b.y == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} } void testSmallStructBitfieldsFirstUndef() { struct { int x : 4; int y : 4; } a, b; a.y = 2; b = a; clang_analyzer_eval(b.y == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(b.x == 1); // expected-warning{{garbage}} } void testSmallStructBitfieldsSecondUndef() { struct { int x : 4; int y : 4; } a, b; a.x = 1; b = a; clang_analyzer_eval(b.x == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} clang_analyzer_eval(b.y == 2); // expected-warning{{garbage}} } void testSmallStructBitfieldsFirstUnnamed() { struct { int : 4; int y : 4; } a, b, c; a.y = 2; b = a; clang_analyzer_eval(b.y == 2); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} b = c; clang_analyzer_eval(b.y == 2); // expected-warning{{garbage}} } void testSmallStructBitfieldsSecondUnnamed() { struct { int x : 4; int : 4; } a, b, c; a.x = 1; b = a; clang_analyzer_eval(b.x == 1); // expected-warning{{TRUE}} b = c; clang_analyzer_eval(b.x == 1); // expected-warning{{garbage}} }