// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -analyze -analyzer-checker=core,nullability.NullPassedToNonnull,nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull,nullability.NullablePassedToNonnull,nullability.NullableReturnedFromNonnull,nullability.NullableDereferenced -DNOSYSTEMHEADERS=0 -verify %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fblocks -analyze -analyzer-checker=core,nullability.NullPassedToNonnull,nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull,nullability.NullablePassedToNonnull,nullability.NullableReturnedFromNonnull,nullability.NullableDereferenced -analyzer-config nullability:NoDiagnoseCallsToSystemHeaders=true -DNOSYSTEMHEADERS=1 -verify %s #include "Inputs/system-header-simulator-for-nullability.h" @interface TestObject : NSObject - (int *_Nonnull)returnsNonnull; - (int *_Nullable)returnsNullable; - (int *)returnsUnspecified; - (void)takesNonnull:(int *_Nonnull)p; - (void)takesNullable:(int *_Nullable)p; - (void)takesUnspecified:(int *)p; @property(readonly, strong) NSString *stuff; @end TestObject * getUnspecifiedTestObject(); TestObject *_Nonnull getNonnullTestObject(); TestObject *_Nullable getNullableTestObject(); int getRandom(); typedef struct Dummy { int val; } Dummy; void takesNullable(Dummy *_Nullable); void takesNonnull(Dummy *_Nonnull); void takesUnspecified(Dummy *); Dummy *_Nullable returnsNullable(); Dummy *_Nonnull returnsNonnull(); Dummy *returnsUnspecified(); int *_Nullable returnsNullableInt(); template T *eraseNullab(T *p) { return p; } void takesAttrNonnull(Dummy *p) __attribute((nonnull(1))); void testBasicRules() { Dummy *p = returnsNullable(); int *ptr = returnsNullableInt(); // Make every dereference a different path to avoid sinks after errors. switch (getRandom()) { case 0: { Dummy &r = *p; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is dereferenced}} } break; case 1: { int b = p->val; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is dereferenced}} } break; case 2: { int stuff = *ptr; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is dereferenced}} } break; case 3: takesNonnull(p); // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} break; case 4: { Dummy d; takesNullable(&d); Dummy dd(d); break; } case 5: takesAttrNonnull(p); break; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to}} default: { Dummy d = *p; } break; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is dereferenced}} } if (p) { takesNonnull(p); if (getRandom()) { Dummy &r = *p; } else { int b = p->val; } } Dummy *q = 0; if (getRandom()) { takesNullable(q); takesNonnull(q); // expected-warning {{Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} } Dummy a; Dummy *_Nonnull nonnull = &a; nonnull = q; // expected-warning {{Null assigned to a pointer which is expected to have non-null value}} q = &a; takesNullable(q); takesNonnull(q); } void testMultiParamChecking(Dummy *_Nonnull a, Dummy *_Nullable b, Dummy *_Nonnull c); void testArgumentTracking(Dummy *_Nonnull nonnull, Dummy *_Nullable nullable) { Dummy *p = nullable; Dummy *q = nonnull; switch(getRandom()) { case 1: nonnull = p; break; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is assigned to a pointer which is expected to have non-null value}} case 2: p = 0; break; case 3: q = p; break; case 4: testMultiParamChecking(nonnull, nullable, nonnull); break; case 5: testMultiParamChecking(nonnull, nonnull, nonnull); break; case 6: testMultiParamChecking(nonnull, nullable, nullable); break; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 3rd parameter}} case 7: testMultiParamChecking(nullable, nullable, nonnull); // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} case 8: testMultiParamChecking(nullable, nullable, nullable); // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} case 9: testMultiParamChecking((Dummy *_Nonnull)0, nullable, nonnull); break; } } Dummy *_Nonnull testNullableReturn(Dummy *_Nullable a) { Dummy *p = a; return p; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is returned from a function that is expected to return a non-null value}} } Dummy *_Nonnull testNullReturn() { Dummy *p = 0; return p; // expected-warning {{Null returned from a function that is expected to return a non-null value}} } void testObjCMessageResultNullability() { // The expected result: the most nullable of self and method return type. TestObject *o = getUnspecifiedTestObject(); int *shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNullableTestObject()) returnsNonnull]; switch (getRandom()) { case 0: // The core analyzer assumes that the receiver is non-null after a message // send. This is to avoid some false positives, and increase performance // but it also reduces the coverage and makes this checker unable to reason // about the nullness of the receiver. [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // No warning expected. break; case 1: shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNullableTestObject()) returnsUnspecified]; [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // No warning expected. break; case 3: shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNullableTestObject()) returnsNullable]; [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} break; case 4: shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNonnullTestObject()) returnsNullable]; [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} break; case 5: shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getUnspecifiedTestObject()) returnsNullable]; [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} break; case 6: shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNullableTestObject()) returnsNullable]; [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} break; case 7: { int *shouldBeNonnull = [eraseNullab(getNonnullTestObject()) returnsNonnull]; [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNonnull]; } break; } } Dummy * _Nonnull testDirectCastNullableToNonnull() { Dummy *p = returnsNullable(); takesNonnull((Dummy * _Nonnull)p); // no-warning return (Dummy * _Nonnull)p; // no-warning } Dummy * _Nonnull testIndirectCastNullableToNonnull() { Dummy *p = (Dummy * _Nonnull)returnsNullable(); takesNonnull(p); // no-warning return p; // no-warning } Dummy * _Nonnull testDirectCastNilToNonnull() { takesNonnull((Dummy * _Nonnull)0); // no-warning return (Dummy * _Nonnull)0; // no-warning } void testIndirectCastNilToNonnullAndPass() { Dummy *p = (Dummy * _Nonnull)0; // FIXME: Ideally the cast above would suppress this warning. takesNonnull(p); // expected-warning {{Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} } void testDirectCastNilToNonnullAndAssignToLocalInInitializer() { Dummy * _Nonnull nonnullLocalWithAssignmentInInitializer = (Dummy * _Nonnull)0; // no-warning (void)nonnullLocalWithAssignmentInInitializer; // Since we've already had an invariant violation along this path, // we shouldn't warn here. nonnullLocalWithAssignmentInInitializer = 0; (void)nonnullLocalWithAssignmentInInitializer; } void testDirectCastNilToNonnullAndAssignToLocal(Dummy * _Nonnull p) { Dummy * _Nonnull nonnullLocalWithAssignment = p; nonnullLocalWithAssignment = (Dummy * _Nonnull)0; // no-warning (void)nonnullLocalWithAssignment; // Since we've already had an invariant violation along this path, // we shouldn't warn here. nonnullLocalWithAssignment = 0; (void)nonnullLocalWithAssignment; } void testDirectCastNilToNonnullAndAssignToParam(Dummy * _Nonnull p) { p = (Dummy * _Nonnull)0; // no-warning } @interface ClassWithNonnullIvar : NSObject { Dummy *_nonnullIvar; } @end @implementation ClassWithNonnullIvar -(void)testDirectCastNilToNonnullAndAssignToIvar { _nonnullIvar = (Dummy * _Nonnull)0; // no-warning; // Since we've already had an invariant violation along this path, // we shouldn't warn here. _nonnullIvar = 0; } @end void testIndirectNilPassToNonnull() { Dummy *p = 0; takesNonnull(p); // expected-warning {{Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} } void testConditionalNilPassToNonnull(Dummy *p) { if (!p) { takesNonnull(p); // expected-warning {{Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} } } Dummy * _Nonnull testIndirectCastNilToNonnullAndReturn() { Dummy *p = (Dummy * _Nonnull)0; // FIXME: Ideally the cast above would suppress this warning. return p; // expected-warning {{Null returned from a function that is expected to return a non-null value}} } void testInvalidPropagation() { Dummy *p = returnsUnspecified(); takesNullable(p); takesNonnull(p); } void onlyReportFirstPreconditionViolationOnPath() { Dummy *p = returnsNullable(); takesNonnull(p); // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} takesNonnull(p); // No warning. // The first warning was not a sink. The analysis expected to continue. int i = 0; i = 5 / i; // expected-warning {{Division by zero}} (void)i; } Dummy *_Nonnull doNotWarnWhenPreconditionIsViolatedInTopFunc( Dummy *_Nonnull p) { if (!p) { Dummy *ret = 0; // avoid compiler warning (which is not generated by the analyzer) if (getRandom()) return ret; // no warning else return p; // no warning } else { return p; } } Dummy *_Nonnull doNotWarnWhenPreconditionIsViolated(Dummy *_Nonnull p) { if (!p) { Dummy *ret = 0; // avoid compiler warning (which is not generated by the analyzer) if (getRandom()) return ret; // no warning else return p; // no warning } else { return p; } } void testPreconditionViolationInInlinedFunction(Dummy *p) { doNotWarnWhenPreconditionIsViolated(p); } @interface TestInlinedPreconditionViolationClass : NSObject @end @implementation TestInlinedPreconditionViolationClass -(Dummy * _Nonnull) calleeWithParam:(Dummy * _Nonnull) p2 { Dummy *x = 0; if (!p2) // p2 binding becomes dead at this point. return x; // no-warning else return p2; } -(Dummy *)callerWithParam:(Dummy * _Nonnull) p1 { return [self calleeWithParam:p1]; } @end int * _Nonnull InlinedPreconditionViolationInFunctionCallee(int * _Nonnull p2) { int *x = 0; if (!p2) // p2 binding becomes dead at this point. return x; // no-warning else return p2; } int * _Nonnull InlinedReturnNullOverSuppressionCallee(int * _Nonnull p2) { int *result = 0; return result; // no-warning; but this is an over suppression } int *InlinedReturnNullOverSuppressionCaller(int * _Nonnull p1) { return InlinedReturnNullOverSuppressionCallee(p1); } void inlinedNullable(Dummy *_Nullable p) { if (p) return; } void inlinedNonnull(Dummy *_Nonnull p) { if (p) return; } void inlinedUnspecified(Dummy *p) { if (p) return; } void testNilReturnWithBlock(Dummy *p) { p = 0; Dummy *_Nonnull (^myblock)(void) = ^Dummy *_Nonnull(void) { return p; // TODO: We should warn in blocks. }; myblock(); } Dummy *_Nonnull testDefensiveInlineChecks(Dummy * p) { switch (getRandom()) { case 1: inlinedNullable(p); break; case 2: inlinedNonnull(p); break; case 3: inlinedUnspecified(p); break; } if (getRandom()) takesNonnull(p); // no-warning if (getRandom()) { Dummy *_Nonnull varWithInitializer = p; // no-warning Dummy *_Nonnull var1WithInitializer = p, // no-warning *_Nonnull var2WithInitializer = p; // no-warning } if (getRandom()) { Dummy *_Nonnull varWithoutInitializer; varWithoutInitializer = p; // no-warning } return p; } @interface SomeClass : NSObject { int instanceVar; } @end @implementation SomeClass (MethodReturn) - (id)initWithSomething:(int)i { if (self = [super init]) { instanceVar = i; } return self; } - (TestObject * _Nonnull)testReturnsNullableInNonnullIndirectly { TestObject *local = getNullableTestObject(); return local; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is returned from a method that is expected to return a non-null value}} } - (TestObject * _Nonnull)testReturnsCastSuppressedNullableInNonnullIndirectly { TestObject *local = getNullableTestObject(); return (TestObject * _Nonnull)local; // no-warning } - (TestObject * _Nonnull)testReturnsNullableInNonnullWhenPreconditionViolated:(TestObject * _Nonnull) p { TestObject *local = getNullableTestObject(); if (!p) // Pre-condition violated here. return local; // no-warning else return p; // no-warning } @end @interface ClassWithInitializers : NSObject @end @implementation ClassWithInitializers - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithNonnullReturnAndSelfCheckingIdiom { // This defensive check is a common-enough idiom that we filter don't want // to issue a diagnostic for it, if (self = [super init]) { } return self; // no-warning } - (instancetype _Nonnull)initWithNonnullReturnAndNilReturnViaLocal { self = [super init]; // This leaks, but we're not checking for that here. ClassWithInitializers *other = nil; // False negative. Once we have more subtle suppression of defensive checks in // initializers we should warn here. return other; } @end @interface SubClassWithInitializers : ClassWithInitializers @end @implementation SubClassWithInitializers // Note: Because this is overridding // -[ClassWithInitializers initWithNonnullReturnAndSelfCheckingIdiom], // the return type of this method becomes implicitly id _Nonnull. - (id)initWithNonnullReturnAndSelfCheckingIdiom { if (self = [super initWithNonnullReturnAndSelfCheckingIdiom]) { } return self; // no-warning } - (id _Nonnull)initWithNonnullReturnAndSelfCheckingIdiomV2; { // Another common return-checking idiom self = [super initWithNonnullReturnAndSelfCheckingIdiom]; if (!self) { return nil; // no-warning } return self; } @end @interface ClassWithCopyWithZone : NSObject { id i; } @end @implementation ClassWithCopyWithZone -(id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { ClassWithCopyWithZone *newInstance = [[ClassWithCopyWithZone alloc] init]; if (!newInstance) return nil; newInstance->i = i; return newInstance; } -(id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { ClassWithCopyWithZone *newInstance = [[ClassWithCopyWithZone alloc] init]; if (newInstance) { newInstance->i = i; } return newInstance; } @end NSString * _Nullable returnsNullableString(); void callFunctionInSystemHeader() { NSString *s = returnsNullableString(); NSSystemFunctionTakingNonnull(s); #if !NOSYSTEMHEADERS // expected-warning@-2{{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} #endif } void callMethodInSystemHeader() { NSString *s = returnsNullableString(); NSSystemClass *sc = [[NSSystemClass alloc] init]; [sc takesNonnull:s]; #if !NOSYSTEMHEADERS // expected-warning@-2{{Nullable pointer is passed to a callee that requires a non-null 1st parameter}} #endif } // Test to make sure the analyzer doesn't warn when an a nullability invariant // has already been found to be violated on an instance variable. @class MyInternalClass; @interface MyClass : NSObject { MyInternalClass * _Nonnull _internal; } @end @interface MyInternalClass : NSObject { @public id _someIvar; } -(id _Nonnull)methodWithInternalImplementation; @end @interface MyClass () { MyInternalClass * _Nonnull _nilledOutInternal; } @end @implementation MyClass -(id _Nonnull)methodWithInternalImplementation { if (!_internal) return nil; // no-warning return [_internal methodWithInternalImplementation]; } - (id _Nonnull)methodReturningIvarInImplementation; { return _internal == 0 ? nil : _internal->_someIvar; // no-warning } -(id _Nonnull)methodWithNilledOutInternal { _nilledOutInternal = (id _Nonnull)nil; return nil; // no-warning } @end