// RUN: %clang_cc1 -w -fblocks -analyze -analyzer-checker=core,osx.API,unix.Malloc -verify %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -w -fblocks -fobjc-arc -analyze -analyzer-checker=core,osx.API,unix.Malloc -verify %s #include "Inputs/system-header-simulator-objc.h" typedef unsigned long size_t; void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size); typedef void (^dispatch_block_t)(void); typedef long dispatch_once_t; void dispatch_once(dispatch_once_t *predicate, dispatch_block_t block); void test_stack() { dispatch_once_t once; dispatch_once(&once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses the local variable 'once' for the predicate value. Using such transient memory for the predicate is potentially dangerous. Perhaps you intended to declare the variable as 'static'?}} } void test_static_local() { static dispatch_once_t once; dispatch_once(&once, ^{}); // no-warning } void test_heap_var() { dispatch_once_t *once = calloc(1, sizeof(dispatch_once_t)); // Use regexps to check that we're NOT suggesting to make this static. dispatch_once(once, ^{}); // expected-warning-re{{{{^Call to 'dispatch_once' uses heap-allocated memory for the predicate value. Using such transient memory for the predicate is potentially dangerous$}}}} } void test_external_pointer(dispatch_once_t *once) { // External pointer does not necessarily point to the heap. dispatch_once(once, ^{}); // no-warning } typedef struct { dispatch_once_t once; } Struct; void test_local_struct() { Struct s; dispatch_once(&s.once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses memory within the local variable 's' for the predicate value.}} } void test_heap_struct() { Struct *s = calloc(1, sizeof(Struct)); dispatch_once(&s->once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses heap-allocated memory for the predicate value.}} } @interface Object : NSObject { @public dispatch_once_t once; Struct s; dispatch_once_t once_array[2]; } - (void)test_ivar_from_inside; - (void)test_ivar_struct_from_inside; @end @implementation Object - (void)test_ivar_from_inside { dispatch_once(&once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses the instance variable 'once' for the predicate value.}} } - (void)test_ivar_struct_from_inside { dispatch_once(&s.once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses memory within the instance variable 's' for the predicate value.}} } - (void)test_ivar_array_from_inside { dispatch_once(&once_array[1], ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses memory within the instance variable 'once_array' for the predicate value.}} } @end void test_ivar_from_alloc_init() { Object *o = [[Object alloc] init]; dispatch_once(&o->once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses the instance variable 'once' for the predicate value.}} } void test_ivar_struct_from_alloc_init() { Object *o = [[Object alloc] init]; dispatch_once(&o->s.once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses memory within the instance variable 's' for the predicate value.}} } void test_ivar_array_from_alloc_init() { Object *o = [[Object alloc] init]; dispatch_once(&o->once_array[1], ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses memory within the instance variable 'once_array' for the predicate value.}} } void test_ivar_from_external_obj(Object *o) { // ObjC object pointer always points to the heap. dispatch_once(&o->once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses the instance variable 'once' for the predicate value.}} } void test_ivar_struct_from_external_obj(Object *o) { dispatch_once(&o->s.once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses memory within the instance variable 's' for the predicate value.}} } void test_ivar_array_from_external_obj(Object *o) { dispatch_once(&o->once_array[1], ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses memory within the instance variable 'once_array' for the predicate value.}} } void test_block_var_from_block() { __block dispatch_once_t once; ^{ dispatch_once(&once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses the block variable 'once' for the predicate value.}} }; } void use_block_var(dispatch_once_t *once); void test_block_var_from_outside_block() { __block dispatch_once_t once; ^{ use_block_var(&once); }; dispatch_once(&once, ^{}); // expected-warning{{Call to 'dispatch_once' uses the block variable 'once' for the predicate value.}} } void test_static_var_from_outside_block() { static dispatch_once_t once; ^{ dispatch_once(&once, ^{}); // no-warning }; }