// RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-checker=osx.cocoa.Dealloc -fblocks -verify %s // RUN: %clang_cc1 -analyze -analyzer-checker=osx.cocoa.Dealloc -fblocks -verify -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -fobjc-arc %s #define NON_ARC !__has_feature(objc_arc) // No diagnostics expected under ARC. #if !NON_ARC // expected-no-diagnostics #endif typedef signed char BOOL; @protocol NSObject - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object; - (Class)class; @end @interface NSObject {} - (void)dealloc; - (id)init; @end typedef struct objc_selector *SEL; //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=== // Do not warn about missing -dealloc method. Not enough context to know // whether the ivar is retained or not. @interface MissingDeallocWithIvar : NSObject { NSObject *_ivar; } @end @implementation MissingDeallocWithIvar @end //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=== // Do not warn about missing -dealloc method. These properties are not // retained or synthesized. @interface MissingDeallocWithIntProperty : NSObject @property (assign) int ivar; @end @implementation MissingDeallocWithIntProperty @end @interface MissingDeallocWithSELProperty : NSObject @property (assign) SEL ivar; @end @implementation MissingDeallocWithSELProperty @end //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=== // Warn about missing -dealloc method. @interface MissingDeallocWithCopyProperty : NSObject @property (copy) NSObject *ivar; @end #if NON_ARC // expected-warning@+2{{'MissingDeallocWithCopyProperty' lacks a 'dealloc' instance method but must release '_ivar'}} #endif @implementation MissingDeallocWithCopyProperty @end @interface MissingDeallocWithRetainProperty : NSObject @property (retain) NSObject *ivar; @end #if NON_ARC // expected-warning@+2{{'MissingDeallocWithRetainProperty' lacks a 'dealloc' instance method but must release '_ivar'}} #endif @implementation MissingDeallocWithRetainProperty @end @interface MissingDeallocWithMultipleProperties : NSObject @property (retain) NSObject *ivar1; @property (retain) NSObject *ivar2; @end #if NON_ARC // expected-warning@+2{{'MissingDeallocWithMultipleProperties' lacks a 'dealloc' instance method but must release '_ivar1' and others}} #endif @implementation MissingDeallocWithMultipleProperties @end @interface MissingDeallocWithIVarAndRetainProperty : NSObject { NSObject *_ivar2; } @property (retain) NSObject *ivar1; @end #if NON_ARC // expected-warning@+2{{'MissingDeallocWithIVarAndRetainProperty' lacks a 'dealloc' instance method but must release '_ivar1'}} #endif @implementation MissingDeallocWithIVarAndRetainProperty @end @interface MissingDeallocWithReadOnlyRetainedProperty : NSObject @property (readonly,retain) NSObject *ivar; @end #if NON_ARC // expected-warning@+2{{'MissingDeallocWithReadOnlyRetainedProperty' lacks a 'dealloc' instance method but must release '_ivar'}} #endif @implementation MissingDeallocWithReadOnlyRetainedProperty @end //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=== // Don't warn about iVars that are selectors. @interface TestSELs : NSObject { SEL a; SEL b; } @end @implementation TestSELs - (id)init { if( (self = [super init]) ) { a = @selector(a); b = @selector(b); } return self; } @end //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=== // Don't warn about iVars that are IBOutlets. @class NSWindow; @interface HasOutlet : NSObject { IBOutlet NSWindow *window; } @end @implementation HasOutlet // no-warning @end //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=== // PR 3187: http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=3187 // - Disable the missing -dealloc check for classes that subclass SenTestCase @class NSString; @interface SenTestCase : NSObject {} @end @interface MyClassTest : SenTestCase { NSString *resourcePath; } @property (retain) NSObject *ivar; @end @interface NSBundle : NSObject {} + (NSBundle *)bundleForClass:(Class)aClass; - (NSString *)resourcePath; @end @implementation MyClassTest - (void)setUp { resourcePath = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] resourcePath]; } - (void)testXXX { // do something which uses resourcepath } @end //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=== // Don't warn for clases that aren't subclasses of NSObject __attribute__((objc_root_class)) @interface NonNSObjectMissingDealloc @property (retain) NSObject *ivar; @end @implementation NonNSObjectMissingDealloc @end // CHECK: 4 warnings generated.